Motor Vehicle Services Notice | Scam Or Legit?

Have you recently received a mail containing a motor vehicle services notice? Well, this could or not be a scam so let’s find out.

The notice from your vehicle’s service department relates to the extended warranty plan you purchased with your vehicle. 

Motor vehicle services notices are a form of fraud in many ways. 4WheelersClub will help you be safe from this scam.

Keep reading the article.

Motor Vehicle Services Notice – How The Scam Works

motor vehicle services notice

An automobile service note can be used by the manufacturer to inform you that your warranty is going to end and give you enough time to decide what to do. 

It works in the same way an online, cable, and mobile contract only more complex. The letter may appear legit with all the correct markings and stamps.

There’s even an official seal. If you take it open, you’ll see that the document includes information regarding your car but some of it isn’t publicly available. 

There is always an 800 number available that you can dial to request to extend the services.

Here are some ways to recognize fake notice letters:

  • The letter does not start with your initial and last name. Instead, it could read “Dear Ford owner” or other generic phrases.
  • The letter’s body is clear and even intimidating and aimed at forcing you to act fast and without thought.
  • The absence of sensitive information such as the date of purchase the contract code, the engine number, etc.
  • It contains information that appears to be sensitive and is easily found with the VIN search.
  • The only method of contact is through a telephone number.
  • The letter does not contain any company information. the letter.

The information that is confidential about the car will make the fraud appear authentic, and that is what leads most people to believe it’s real. 

However, the majority of the information used could be gathered via a simple VIN search.

If you are in your car, check the windshield’s bottom at the driver’s side. there’s a small area in which a sequence of letters and numbers is evident. 

This is your vehicle’s VIN, and it could quickly be duplicated by a fraudster in a parking lot.

The VIN will reveal many things about the car which makes it an excellent source of information when purchasing a used car.

Carfax is among the top well-known VIN checkers. For an affordable fee they’ll give you information regarding:

  • The registration of a vehicle
  • Information about the title
  • Odometer readings
  • Accident history
  • Repair, service, and inspection of the past
  • Status of the vehicle’s usage (lease rental, lease, taxi, etc.)

It is easy to discern how this information can be used to convince you to believe the letter has come directly from the dealership or manufacturer. 

The scammer has details about your car’s model, make model, model, engine, and the last reported odometer reading. 

That also means they can create a scenario where your vehicle has traveled more than the warranty to provide coverage, and the only way to fix it is to extend it.

Some scams are frauds, requiring you to pay your funds to them, and then not hear from them ever again. However, the majority of scams are legal. 

They will ask you to enroll in an insurance plan, but they make the contract in a manner that you are unable to ever claim the insurance. 

Most popular is the claim that your car was mistreated, regardless of what the problem is which will result in an automatic cancellation of the warranty that you’ve invested hundreds or even thousands of dollars for.

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Vehicle Services Division Letter

A letter sent by the Division of Vehicle Services is similar to postcards/letters that include an official motor vehicle service notice. 

It’s often a scam particularly if it doesn’t contain the name of the company on the back of it. 

The letter could arrive either by email or postal mail and claim to come from a vehicle service division company. 

They usually inform you that you are about to expire a warranty on your vehicle and invite you to contact them or pay to renew it.

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Motor Vehicle Services Notice – What Should You Do?

motor vehicle service notification

The most puzzling aspect of the entire service announcement for motor vehicles is that it’s still delivered in physical form. 

When you purchase a car it is required that you provide many contact details so that the dealership can easily reach out. 

If you consider it would it not be simpler for the dealer to email you or even call you on your cell phone rather than write letters?

When you receive one of these service notifications, locate the original contract for an extended warranty and take a quick review, then call the company where you got the warranty, more like the auto dealer. 

Let them know that you’ve received the letter and check to see whether they are the ones who sent the letter. You can then discuss the renewal terms If you’d like to take on.

I would not contact the number within the email, regardless of whether it’s legitimate. If you do decide to call, you can listen to the conversation in the following video to get a sense of what you can expect.

Do You Need The Extended Car Warranty?

First of all, it’s not a warranty, it’s just an insurance policy that was put in to safeguard the customer from having to pay the cost of repairs and parts.

Extended insurance policies can be purchased through the company that manufactures them (OEM) or through a third party.

If you have an OEM policy, drivers can purchase motor and “bumper to bumper” insurance. 

The powertrain policy covers your engine as well as transmission, whereas the bumper-to-bumper policy includes the interior electronics as well as other features. 

Third-party providers create a range of insurance packages that are usually less expensive than the ones that the manufacturer provides. 

The downside is that parts and repairs cannot be guaranteed that they are of OEM quality.

The question is do you need all of these? The answer is contingent on the condition of the car and the type you’re buying.

Reasons Not To Get An Extended Car Warranty

Dealers often insist that you should buy an extended warranty for your car, but hear me out for a minute.

When you purchase a brand new car, it has a 3-year/36.000 miles guarantee. In essence, you can delay purchasing the extended warranty for 2.5 to three years and still receive the full protection.

The reason dealers remain insistent in trying to offer you an extended warranty is because they earn the highest in commissions. 

The majority of the amount you pay on the extended warranty will go directly into the dealer’s pockets this means the cost of the insurance is more than the amount it is supposed to be.

Consider your buying choices – do you plan to keep your vehicle for three years, five, or ten years? 

There’s no need for an extended warranty if you plan to sell your car before it starts to work. 

In the case of some used vehicles, the cost of a warranty may be as high in comparison to the price of the vehicle in itself, which makes the warranty meaningless.

While an extended warranty might provide you with peace of mind, however, it’s beneficial only if it’s used to pay for a costly repair.

I’ve seen one idea that makes quite a lot of sense if you consider it. 

If you’re purchasing a car that is known for its reliability, such as Honda or Toyota instead of buying an extended guarantee, you should put the cash aside. 

In the event of an accident, you’ll be able to get the money for repairs but it’s much more likely that by the time you decide to sell the vehicle, you’ll have the chance to keep the majority of your savings.

Reasons To Get An Extended Car Warranty

The primary reason to purchase the extended guarantee is if you’re purchasing a vehicle that is prone to malfunctioning or is equipped with expensive components.

Mercedes-Benz and BMW are costly to maintain, and British cars are well-known for their tendency to fall to pieces. 

If you have an extended warranty on your car it is possible to get a discount of several times the initial cost.

Performance cars, sports cars, and other models designed to provide maximum power typically have a shorter life span because you can’t achieve all that power without having to sacrifice something. 

Due to this, they’re also the best candidate for a warranty extension at a minimum, and preferably OEM to make use of the top-quality replacement components.


Motor Vehicle Services Notice – Legit or a Scam?

If the vehicle service announcement is genuine and legitimate, you’ll identify the company’s name and contact information. 

If it doesn’t include your name, and instead says “Car Brand” owner, you’re probably dealing with fraud.

If that is so, don’t take action and report the problem to the car dealer.

What Is a Motor Vehicle Service Notice?

Service notices for motor vehicles typically come in the form of postcards or letters which you receive via mail. 

The vehicle will typically be an indication of the expiration date of your warranty. They will try to push and attempt to get the warranty renewed before the time expires. 

They will advise you to contact their number as soon as possible. You might also get messages about the expiration of your warranty. 

It is possible to identify these calls quite quickly. Be cautious if the phone number appears to be foreign or has a strange number. 

The person who is calling probably sounds unprofessional and sound of poor audio quality. 

If you observe any of these issues call them immediately and don’t divulge any information.

Motor Vehicle Services Notice Check in Mail

If you receive a cheque or something that resembles it’s a voucher, but isn’t If it’s not the kind of thing you expected the chances are it’s fraudulent. 

It’s the same when you receive a Motor Vehicle Service notification letter or postcard.

You should steer clear of it, especially if it looks suspicious and doesn’t contain the information of the company.

What is motor vehicle safety?

Motor vehicle protection or legal protection isn’t a warranty, but instead an insurance option that protects the insured from paying for damage caused by accidents which you are not accountable for. 

It covers the injuries of passengers and drivers as well as losses in earnings, damage to personal property, etc.

What happens if you decide to cancel the contract to service your vehicle?

A car warranty extended can be canceled anytime, and you’ll get a prorated reimbursement on the remainder of your policy. 

A warranty that is part of the vehicle loan doesn’t reduce the amount you pay per month, but it does lead to a shorter period of payment. 

It is important to be familiar with the terms of your service contract and discover the cancellation fees.

What do warranty companies need to know about my personal information?

Insurance companies will combine your address and information about your vehicle along with other information that is available to the public to build a comprehensive personal profile. 

Before you contact the business, you can conduct an instant Google search to determine whether they’re a legitimate business.

Do I need to get my car the benefit of a warranty?

The answer will depend on the model, and make of your vehicle as well as the age of your vehicle and also a bit of luck. 

If you’ve made a smart purchase from a company that has a long history of producing solid cars, there’s no need to buy an insurance policy.

Why do I keep receiving phone calls regarding my car warranty?

Warranty for cars is a profitable business due to the advantageous situation of the insurance company. 

In addition, the person who sells you a guarantee will earn a significant commission, and it’s in their best interests to remain as consistent as they can.

Final Words

In case you ever receive a motor vehicle services notice, it’s not necessary to react in a hurry. 

Instead, you should call your insurance company from where you purchased the policy and confirm that they were the ones who sent the notification. 

If you don’t, you may avoid it as it’s a marketing tactic that is not legally a fraud.

Many people opt to purchase an extended warranty to feel relaxed and not worry about the cost that they could incur. 

Since it is up to an insurance provider to determine whether your actions were the cause of the damage, there’s a good chance that you will not receive insurance coverage even though you’ve paid for it. 

If you’re looking to purchase an extended warranty for your car be sure to purchase it from a reliable source.

23 Year Old Automobile enthusiast just following his passion. I love everything that has wheels, especially 4. I will let you know whatever I know about Automobiles.

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