7 Reasons Your Key Fob Is Not Working

My key fob is not working. It is a common problem faced by many 4-wheeler enthusiasts. Sometimes your key fob just doesn’t work and you wonder why.

Nothing to worry about. 4WheelersClub has got your back.

Go through this article written by 4WheelersClub and read the valuable advice if you have ever or going to encounter a similar situation in the future.

key fob is not working

1. Battery Problem

In all cases, batteries are the primary source of power for remote controls. 

The most obvious reason why a key fob isn’t working is because it could be a defective battery.

Luckily, the issue is fixable with an easy solution.

Different locks utilize different types of batteries. The most commonly used kind is the shape of a coin lithium battery.

The type typically will last approximately 2 to 3 years. However, if you utilize it frequently it could last up to one year.

How can you tell if the device is running out of battery:

  • It then turns off and ceases to function.
  • The indicator light is dim. Sometimes it is lit but sometimes it doesn’t.
  • The performance of the controller is erratic. The controller doesn’t always perform its task.
  • The battery was used for about a year and was never replaced.
  • The battery is leaked out from the device.

To ensure that the dead fob’s battery is the root source of the issue it is possible to use the signal reader or try replacing it with a different battery to determine if the controller’s operations return to normal.

2. Old Buttons

Broken buttons are an issue that can cause a vehicle to not open with a fob or key. This error may be apparent if your fob’s behavior is inconsistent.

If the door of your car does not open until the fob is repeatedly pressed the door will open due to worn buttons.

This is the most evident indicator to distinguish the worn-out button problem from battery-related issues.

Keep in mind that this doesn’t apply to every button on the fob.

For instance, there may be a button that might not respond, while the other buttons are functioning correctly. Make sure to examine your device thoroughly before identifying the issue.

Wear and tear that is visible is a good indication of the issue in the fob, or with the locking on your vehicle.

It is not necessary to replace the device as soon as the buttons are damaged. However, it could be a major issue.

3. Unprogrammed Key

If you key fob is not working, then this might be one of the reasons.

The remote control for the car is a device that pairs. The fob must be programmed and connected to the vehicle’s component.

If your remote isn’t pre-programmed for the car you are driving, it will be difficult to operate the vehicle in the way you’d like.

It’s important to mention that this issue typically isn’t a problem for new owners of cars since every new device is pre-programmed. This is a typical issue for used car owners.

Furthermore, unwelcome external influences could also impact the programs that have been pre-arranged. 

For instance, if children play with fobs, they may alter the program in error and alter the default settings.

4. Congestion

key fob is not working

For the answer to “Why won’t my key fob unlock my car,” many believe that the problem is due to a malfunction in your smart keypads.

Most people do not realize that the issue could be at the door of the vehicle.

When you pull the doorknob the handle pulls a steel rod or cable opening the door latch. to open.

If you’ve tried pressing the button but it won’t move, there’s a good possibility that the rod or cable inside is damaged.

Additionally, the door latch is another part that requires care from car owners.

After a certain amount of time, the latch on the door can get rusty and corroded which can lead to the usual issue of a door that is jammed.

5. Connected Parts

The principle that underlies the smart locking device is the use of infrared light inside the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

The light is inaccessible to the uninitiated eye, but it can send signals from the controller to your vehicle.

Infrared light technology can be extremely robust. Even with this advantage, however, there are some disadvantages of this technique.

In particular, the light can only be moved along a straight path and is limited to approximately 10 meters.

Therefore, in certain situations, it cannot function when the light beam is blocked by metal objects.

Or vehicles that are parked close to radio stations, television towers airports, power generators, or any other powerful electromagnetic waves.

In addition, smart keys are particularly sensitive to smart keys that are they are nearby. 

Electric keys that are radio-capable can also be potential sources of disturbance of the signal when they are used concurrently.

6. Wiring Damaged

If the driver is unable to access the car, it may be a keyless entry system inside the motorcar door.

In the event of an overload on the electric circuit, a fuse can be lit and prevent the motor from controlling the door upon demand.

If the circuit is cut due to the circuit being cut, the latch won’t be able to respond to the request to open the door.

Therefore, it will always be in an unlocked position and cause the door to lock regardless of what number of times you push the button for opening.

Additionally, the issue could be caused by an electromagnet that is damaged or a wire that causes the lock to not function.

This kind of issue can be caused by contact with water, force blunt, or extreme temperatures.

Contrary to a key that has broken buttons or electrical damage, a damaged fob or smart key will most likely require replacement. This option, however, will come at a significant price.

7. Dead Car Battery

Another possibility to answer the inquiry “Why won’t my key fob open my car?” is that of automobile battery issues.

The vehicle component has the task of providing energy to the elements of an automobile. It is often described as the engine of the car.

In extreme conditions, the car battery could end up being permanently damaged. Also, in less severe conditions, the power source might be weakening, decreasing battery life.

When the fob battery dies the control boxes inside the car won’t be able to supply the energy required to run any mechanical process. 

Therefore pressing the remote key will not work.

Possible Solutions: Key Fob Is Not Working

why can't my key fob unlock my car

When buying new models for your car the smart locking system is typically included in the cost of the vehicle. 

It’s not an extra option that you must buy when you want it.

But, technical issues will always be there because car keys with smart technology have to make use of electrical power and complicated programming to function.

So, what do you do if your smart key fob makes such glitches? If your key fob is not working, then this might help.

Use a Mechanical Key

Manufacturers of motorcars have also taken into consideration the possibility that the fob is not working and have a backup plan for every model.

In case you do get into this scenario it is important to remain at peace by following the instructions to open the door of your car.

  • Lift the lid and take the key mechanically from the fob of your car.
  • Make use of it to pry the padlock cover from the handle of the door.

Based on the model of the motorcar it will be made to be open or not. 

If the lock was designed to be open towards the exterior, it is necessary to put the key in the lock and then turn it on normally.

Request Help

If your device does not have an electronic key or can’t find the slot for the key Do not be worried. 

What you require is assistance from someone else who is more skilled for the job, such as a police officer or a repairman.

As it is possible to show that the vehicle has been purchased by you, professionals will be more than willing to assist you in the most efficient way you can.

Replace Fob Fob

For a thorough solution to this issue, it is recommended that you consult with your dealer or a locksmith for assistance in repairing and replacing your remote.

When purchasing a motorcar installing a brand new smart locking device is simple because it already has the connections needed.

However, if you decide to replace it with a fresh one, programming the system to establish the required connection is a challenge for many.

If you don’t have the expertise or knowledge regarding this subject you should not attempt to attempt anything on your own. 

It is advisable to seek the advice of experts who have the right knowledge.


That was all from our side. Try these solutions if your key fob is not working and let me know if that helped.

If you can identify the proper reason, you can correct it easily.

If you find yourself in this type of situation and you need help, we hope the advice in this article will provide you with an effective solution to your issue.

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23 Year Old Automobile enthusiast just following his passion. I love everything that has wheels, especially 4. I will let you know whatever I know about Automobiles.

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